There was an article in The Washington Times (“AG’s United For Clean Power,” March 29) that caught my interest. It seems that Maine’s Attorney General, Janet Mills, has become involved with a merry band of 16 other liberal meddling attorneys general in threatening legal action and fines against those who offend true believers by calling into question the unproven science of global warming.

For those who see belief in global warming as a secular religion and a perversion of actual science, we quickly conjure up images of Mills in full grand inquisitor mode, making lists of infidels and heretics, dusting off the torture rack and ordering town squares rigged for the public burning of heretics.

But Mills is a modern liberal who does not think in such crude terms, so what can she do? Here are some possibilities:

Avoid requiring oaths of fealty to the church of Al Gore from prospective college students in their application essays. Wait until they have arrived, isolated from home, and then press them to submit under the threat of campus ostracism and constant classroom ridicule.

Follow Lois Lerner’s stellar work at the federal level and open, at the state level, protracted audits of infidel Maine taxpayers.

Hale into court and charge with libel anyone making fun of the constantly unfulfilled sky-is-falling prophecies of the priesthood of global warming. The Earth goddess, Gaia, does not like to see her prophets mocked,

Real criminals can relax as Mills invests state resources into this malevolent, unconstitutional witch hunt.

Leonard Hoy, Greenwood

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