NORWAY — If anyone happens to see a small gnome wearing a blue jacket and red hat with a very white beard, carrying an ax, grab him and take him directly to The Raven Collections on Main St. Oh, and his name is David.

The missing gnome is on a tile that lived in front of the Main St. store before it disappeared recently. Store owner Darlene M. Dadian-Gray is very upset.

“This was a gift we received upon our opening and we are very sad at his loss,” she said in an email to business owners and members of the community May 5.

“I named him David, after the man who taught me all I know about stones. If anyone finds David and could kindly return it we would appreciate it very much.”

She sais she wants to place “David” inside the shop with other gifts they have received.

Anyone who might have seen the tile or “David” please call Dadian-Gray at 744-2018.

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