JAY — Selectpersons voted 3-2 Monday to give nonunion employees a 1 percent raise July 1, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said Tuesday.

In favor were board Chairman Terry Bergeron, Vice Chairman Tim DeMillo and Selectperson Keith Cornielo. Opposed were Selectpersons Judy Diaz and Tom Goding.

The vote followed an executive session.

Earlier motions for no raise and a 0.25 percent raise failed by 2-3 votes, with Diaz and Goding voting in favor of both motions, and Bergeron, DeMillo and Cornelio opposed to both, LaFreniere said.

The town has seven nonunion employees. The raise is for July 1 through June 30, 2017.

The union contracts for town employees expire June 30, 2017. 


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