The leadership of Dixfield has evolved into a toxic blend. Three members of the selectboard and three of the planning board have buried their heads in the sand, refusing to move Dixfield in a positive direction. The application of practical economics, modern science, environmental necessity and simple logic are beyond the ability of those people.

To promote junk science and use trumped up facts about wind energy to avoid a “scenic disaster” is a slap in the face to environmentalists working to save this planet. The greenhouse effect is real. Global warming is real. Hurricanes are stronger. Tornadoes are more violent and numerous. Severe thunderstorms with damaging winds and hail are common. Sea level is rising. Do we do nothing to protect the futures of our children and grandchildren?

Wind turbines will not cure the environmental predicament; however, it is a step in the right direction. Our children and grandchildren will benefit by choosing green energy instead of energy produced by fossil fuels.

Consider environmental disasters resulting from oil rig failures (the first in 2016 occurred in the Gulf just days ago), tankers running aground, pipeline ruptures and railroad derailments.

There are no wind spills.

Wind power has been utilized since the dawn of civilization. Don’t let six men stand in the way of new, much-needed industry coming to town. Don’t let the bias of six men derail the economic benefits to the town and the environmental benefits for the planet.

I will vote no on the wind ordinance June 14.

Don Lutick Dixfield

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