By Leslie H. Dixon

OXFORD —  Pleasant Street will be under construction for several more months as contractors continue to move the area toward hooking into the new wastewater treatment facility in Welchville.

ONE LANE —  Traffic has been reduced to one lane on Route 121 on occasion as work continues on the sewer connection project.

ONE LANE —  Traffic has been reduced to one lane on Route 121 on occasion as work continues on the sewer connection project.

“There’s lots to go,” said Project Foreman Brian Delano of St. Laurent & Sons Excavation of Lewiston. The company has an eight-month contract, ending in December, with the town of Oxford.

While Sargent Excavation of Stillwater, is working on the Route 26 portion of the sewer project, St. Laurent is responsible for the 5,300-foot stretch of Pleasant Street and a small portion of King Street, where sewer cross sections were laid in the road last week, necessitating a one-day closure of that part of the road.

On Pleasant Street, just before the bridge at the intersection of King and Pleasant streets (Route 121,) a new pumping station is being constructed. Wastewater will run into that pumping station, along with an existing one at Robinson Mill, before it goes down to the wastewater treatment plant in Welchville, Delano said. A similar pumping station has been constructed at the Oxford Speedway on Route 26.

While the work on King Street just up to Pismo Beach is almost complete, Delano said there is still a lot of work to be completed on Pleasant Street.

The Route 121 section has at least a mile of lateral cross work to be done in addition to the placement of the pump station just before the bridge, said Delano.

One-lane traffic will continue. It is not expected to have an impact on the Oxford Hills School District buses in that area, according to information from the SAD 17  Transportation Department.

EXCAVATION — Work continues on the Pleasant Street pump station that will help bring wastewater from Route 121 to Route 26 and the treatment plant.

EXCAVATION — Work continues on the Pleasant Street pump station that will help bring wastewater from Route 121 to Route 26 and the treatment plant.

Although the Route 26 part of the project, under Sargent, had to dig trenches as deep as 22 feet to ensure it is a gravity-fed flow,  the deepest section of Pleasant  Street is 14 feet at the top of the hill at the intersection of Rollerink Road by the American Legion.

Oxford is in the last phase of a multimillion-dollar wastewater project that will provide a wastewater treatment system, designed to meet an expected population and business surge.

Water will be pumped from miles of sewer lines passing through a business-advantageous Tax Increment Financing district along Route 26 and go through a series of filters before being sterilized by ultraviolet light at the treatment plant in Welchville and flowing into the Little Androscoggin River.

Selectmen are expected to discuss  the sewer connection incentive program at today’s meeting, Thursday, Sept. 1, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office on Pleasant Street.

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