Almost every major poll turned out to be useless as the Republican nominee pulled off a series of shocking upset victories in battleground states, including Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. Donald Trump also became the first Republican to win Wisconsin since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

There had been warnings that Trump could pull off a shocking upset; signs that went largely ignored by the media and political elites. The signs that voter enthusiasm was on Trump’s side were certainly evident — massive turnout at rallies.

Though his candidacy was mocked almost the entire way by critics, Trump has, nonetheless, become reality.

The election result seems to be nothing less than a miracle — a heaven-sent blessing and gift of grace for the American people. Like two powerful heavenly bodies — the vast Hillary Clinton machine and the unpredictable but brilliant Trump campaign — squared off against each other in one of the most important presidential election in all American history.

Trump faces two big issues. The first is fixing the disastrous Obama economy by replacing the disintegrating health-care policy known as Obamacare. He must also reduce burdensome taxes and business regulations. He must also bring jobs back to America by renegotiating multinational trade deals, recognized as having decimated America’s manufacturing base.

Trump’s other issue is safeguarding America from future terrorist attacks. He has stated that he will destroy ISIS and change America’s immigration policies to limit immigrants from Middle East Countries that are terrorist hotbeds.

Robert Roy, Lewiston

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