I believe U.S. Sen. Susan Collins should vote to preserve the integrity of the Affordable Care Act. It has helped a lot of Mainers with their medical expenses.

Maine was a pioneer in the insurance field by allowing people with pre-existing conditions to be covered by insurance. The state should continue to be a leader in preserving people’s health coverage.

Medications are often the most expensive part of health care. Without insurance, people would be forced to choose between medications and the necessities of life. Before the ACA came into effect, many people who didn’t have health care insurance died. The ACA also helps people on Medicare. It helps with preventative medicine and other situations where there are gaps in coverage for seniors.

With health insurance coverage that the ACA brings to families, there are fewer emergency room visits, and Mainers can access life-saving or preventative care that they need to thrive or to survive.

I know what it is like when a family cannot afford the health care coverage or treatment that is needed. When I was younger, I was hospitalized and, without health insurance, the expenses were catastrophic.

I encourage members of the congressional delegation to work with the ACA. They know it is not perfect, but they can change it to make it better. They need to work together, and they need to listen to their constituents.

Doug Lane, Lewiston

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