Anne Williams is absolutely correct in her assertion (Jan. 28) that scientists can make valid conclusions about the weather they observe.

My point is that the article on global warming that I referred to in my original letter (Jan. 25) was misleading.

When people try to mold my opinion with misleading information, I question their motives. They lose all credibility. “Lie to me once, shame on you …”

In checking how scientist use the terms, “accuracy, precision and significant figures,” it is obvious that claims that anyone knows the true temperature of the Earth within 0.01 degree are misleading.

The article I responded to indicates that both NOAA and NASA know the temperature that accurately. If they are seeking truth, they must consider the same data. Since they differ, they must interpret the data differently. Obviously, their error is greater than the accuracy they claim.

My question is, why are they pushing misleading data?

Thomas Standard, Sumner

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