I would like to point out a bit of pejorative equating in what was otherwise an excellent Sun Journal editorial (Feb. 5).

Just as mainstream conservatives struggle with the ignorance and angry violence of the extreme-right KKK and skinhead elements (to the chagrin of even tea party members), leftists have problems with anarchists who use every opportunity to turn peaceful marches into destructive melees.

Unlike President Trump’s encouragement of spontaneous bad behavior at his rallies, these extreme-left people follow no leaders. They arrive at rallies fully prepared to act out, wearing hoodies, carrying hidden weapons of destruction, joining in shouting until the moment comes when they break from the majority and start vandalizing.

The Sun Journal has made no firm distinction. Writing that “This party of peace has brought violence…” — lumping fringe elements with serious, peaceful citizens — is doing a dis-service to those doing the rallying, tainting their causes. It doesn’t help when media make it appear we are all made of the same cloth as those on society’s outskirts.

Nevertheless, the country is divided. People are fearing the worst of each other, making living together and compromising difficult. That makes a perfect time for the fringe to come out of hiding. Such people exist on the periphery around the world, blatantly appearing in times of political or religious conflict. But they’re only the fringe, and citizens must look within to see whether there is a hidden part of ourselves that is secretly supportive of their doings, releasing them from obscurity.

Richard Fochtmann, Leeds

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