Corporators’ meeting of the Farmington Library

FARMINGTON — The annual corporators’ meeting of the Farmington Public

Library will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, at the library. 

Those interested in becoming a corporator, meeting existing corporators, or interested in sharing ideas may may attend.

Corporators may volunteer for short or long-term projects, serve on a committee, or just come to listen and have snacks. They’ll receive e-mailed copies of the monthly trustee meeting minutes and learn of the challenges the library faces, the decisions made, and plans for the future.

There will be door prizes and a silent auction at the meeting.


FMI:, 207-578-0286.

Friends Together seeks donations

LIVERMORE FALLS — Friends Together Peer Support and Recovery Center is seeking donations for its annual fundraising yard sale, which will be held the first weekend in June. 

Donations may be dropped off between 1 and 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, or any time at the center’s back door.

Clothing will not be accepted. 

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