100 years ago, 1917
The W. G. Randall shop on upper Bates street trotted off out Sabatis street with surprising headway under the spur of 12 horses pulling for all they were worth. The sight commanded general attention, for the teamsters furnished their share of the entertainment by lusty instructions to their steeds. The roof of the shop had been decapitated and the trolley wires offered little opposition. Men on the second floor of the structure were able to lift them out of the way when necessary.

50 years ago, 1967
So far the Auburn Highway Department has carted 174 truck loads of trash and rubbish to the city dump during the annual spring clean-up campaign. Roland Saucier, superintendent of the Auburn Highway Department, reported Thursday night that during the work day 40 truckloads of material, mostly from outlying sections of the city, were removed. The material hauled to the city dump is spread in trenches, compacted and then covered with earth. Saucier said he has the bulk of the AHD crew and trucks working on the clean-up campaign, but has had to maintain one crew on highway patching. He said the street sweeping work has had to be delayed.

25 years ago, 1992
Calling for a wage freeze that would reflect parity between city and school employees, Auburn Mayor Richard Trafton Wednesday urged the School Committee to talk with its unions about re-opening contracts for 1992-93. Parity emerged as a major theme as the City Council and School Committee engaged in a five-hour discussion of next year’s proposed $20.9 million education budget. The current funding level is $20 million.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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