100 years ago, 1917
Lewiston School Board will grant diplomas to seniors in high school in good standing that enlist. Boys of 14 and over that enroll in the farm work crusade, to increase production, will be given their rating and their absence from school will be excused.

50 years ago, 1967
Although the 1967 Spring Clean-Up Week program in Lewiston officially terminated Friday night, the Lewiston Public Works Department will complete its work early next week, it was learned. A PWD spokesman said the hauling of refuse will take one or two more days as the annual campaign set a record. A total of 345 loads of trash was removed from street curbs during the five-day period which began last Monday. The Friday total was 76 loads, it was reported. In past years, the weeklong campaign resulted in about 325-335 truckloads of debris.

25 years ago, 1992
The Auburn School Committee Thursday authorized a lease agreement with Hebron Academy for use of the now-vacant C.P. Wight School. Hebron plans to house its new Lower School at the North Auburn site. School Department Business Manager Jude Cyr said the contract would be for two years, beginning July 1. It would give Hebron the option for a subsequent two-year lease, if both parties agree.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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