100 years ago, 1917
Cuba is at present the best market in the whole world for American footwear. Over 80 per cent of business is done by American firms, as there is no competition from local manufacturers and not any of great importance from Europe. In spite of America’s strong position in the market, however, there are many ways in which our hold on the market can be strengthened, as there are a number of features in the Cuban trade not well understood by the American manufacturer. Auburn sends “rafts” of canvas shoes to Cuba.

50 years ago, 1967
The new Poland Spring Motor Lodge and Country Club will be officially dedicated during appropriate activities Sunday night, according to announcement by Saul Feldman, executive director. Civil, business and professional leaders throughout the area have been invited to attend the affair that will introduce the new lodge which has 25 rooms and a clubhouse that features a restaurant, cocktail lounge, locker rooms and a pro shop. The new lodge will have two Sauna baths and a heated swimming pool. The new building is located on Route 26, adjacent to the former 12th tee on the Poland Spring golf course.

25 years ago, 1992
Lewiston is working on a master plan for parks and recreation, and the time for residents’ input is at hand. A steering committee convened by the mayor is set to hold its organizational meeting Monday, said Planning Director James Lysen, who with Maggie Chisholm, the city’s recreation director, provides staff support for the project. At the meeting, the group will be asked to plan a series of neighborhood meetings dedicated to getting residents’ views on the existing recreational facilities in their areas and determining what needs exist. The neighborhood meetings, which are likely to be held at schools, should be completed by the end of June.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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