WILTON — During Monday’s annual town meeting, voters will consider spending articles that total $3.11 million, including buying a light-duty rescue firetruck.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. May 22 in the Academy Hill School cafeteria. Prior to the meeting, selectpersons will serve a barbecue shortly after 5 p.m.

Town reports are available at the Town Office.

Revenues are expected to be up this year, including an increase from the state’s revenue-sharing program. Based on anticipated revenues, along with allocations from the undesignated fund, the budget recommended by selectpersons and the Finance Committee is about $10,800 less than the previous year, according to Town Manager Rhonda Irish’s report.

A request to take $50,000 from undesignated funds for the demolition capital account would provide money for tearing down properties, including the Foster Mill site, according to the town report.

Three articles seek funds from the Comfort Inn Omnibus Tax Increment Financing District. The account has a balance of $271,782.


Voters will consider appropriating $95,000 from the tax-increment financing district to help buy a light-duty rescue firetruck. The estimated cost is $115,500.  The Fire Department capital account will provide $17,000, and $3,600 would come from the sale of the department’s four-wheel-drive forestry truck.

An appropriation of $30,000 from TIF funds is requested to pay part of the annual lease-purchase payment on the aerial Quint firetruck.

Selectpersons and Finance Committee members recommend raising and appropriating $15,000 for a partial payment of a loan for the Phase I Waste Treatment Plan pump station upgrade. Voters will consider using $15,000 from the TIF funds for a total of $30,000 to go toward the third payment of a 30-year loan.

Voters will also consider amending the Building and Property Maintenance Ordinance. The amendments include adding abandoned buildings to cover addressing these properties and adding Residential II zones so those properties also fall under the minimum standards for the conditions and maintenance of buildings.

The Planning Board recommends an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance-Site Plan Review. The words “or odors detectable at the lot line” would be added to the standard on the amount of dust, noise or smoke produced.


Wilton town meeting

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