The Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System will be holding a meeting for public input on May 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Old Town Council Chambers located at Old Town City Hall.

Gorrill Palmer will be presenting the draft report on the corridor study currently being conducted on Stillwater Avenue in Old Town from Orono town line to College Avenue. Gorrill Palmer will also be receiving comments from the public.

The MDOT recently completed an internal traffic study that indicated that the primary issues for congestion along this corridor were deficiencies at the College Avenue/Stillwater Avenue intersection and approaches. The traffic congestion, possible signalized intersection deficiencies, and planned replacement of the two bridges along this corridor have resulted in the need for a new traffic system management study to determine appropriate strategies for future improvements.

These improvements should include an emphasis on intersection efficiency, access management, and safety for all modes of travel. This Traffic System Management Plan will guide future transportation investments.

For further information, contact Bill Mayo, Old Town City Manager at 207-827-3965 or

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