DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to the person who asked about the market to sell big-band era music, there actually is a small market for this music, namely the few remaining big bands.

I placed an ad in the Portland paper years ago. A summer resident from New Hampshire came and bought some of what I had, basically “for the graphic works.”

A suggestion: sort through, retain the nicer “pictured graphic pieces.”

I purchased several matching frames and mats, and framed the complete sheet music, with picture showing.

Hang them, sell them, gift them to family. I have 12-15 complete works in most frames, behind the front one. These are good memories of a four-generation family of musicians.

Mark Manduca, a music teacher in the Portland area, might be contacted. He and his father have a big band, one of the few remaining ones in the state.


— No name, no town

ANSWER: Wonderful suggestion to frame the music!

And an equally good suggestion to contact Mr. Manduca, who is a teacher at the University of Southern Maine.

According to his USM bio, he’s an accomplished trombonist who is a member of the Portland Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Brass, the Portland Opera Repertory Orchestra, the Portland Jazz Orchestra, as well as the leader of 5 Cylinder Jazz.

His office phone at USM is 780-5265, or send him a message at

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Cooperative Extension Association is looking for volunteers to serve on its board of directors. Our mission statement reads: The Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Cooperative Extension Association helps build and enhance our communities by supporting and promoting the outreach, education, training and research of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, it is a partnership of the university and county, state and federal governments that offers practical, locally-based solutions for farmers, small business owners, youth, parents, consumers and other community members.

Their programs include offerings pertaining to the Maine food system and 4-H Youth Development such as, master gardener volunteers, 4-H clubs and events, Harvest for Hunger and master food preservers. The board’s role is to assist Extension staff and stakeholders by providing support with their outreach efforts, helping raise awareness of the offerings available and budgeting and other support functions, as required.

The board meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month in the county Extension offices at 24 Main St. in Lisbon Falls.

We share a potluck supper before conducting business. Anyone with a desire to volunteer and support the UMaine Extension is welcome to attend!

Please contact Extension Educator Tori Jackson at 353-5550 or if you are interested in joining us or would like more information.

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