DEAR SUN SPOTS: I just have to share this story with you!

I met my son on Tuesday, May 30, at Pat’s Pizza to celebrate his birthday. I gave him his birthday card with a gift card in it.

The next day he called me to say that he could not find his card or gift card and wondered if I might have picked it up. I told him that I did not.

On Friday, June 2, when he got home from BIW he checked his mail and there was the card that I gave him with the gift card in it! I had written his name and address on the envelope as I thought I was going to send it to him, but then we decided to meet so I gave him the card in person.

There are still some honest folks around!

I want to say thank you to whoever put the stamp on the envelope and dropped it in a mailbox. You certainly have made our day for your honesty and thoughtfulness.


— Kathleen, Lewiston

ANSWER: Interesting how the price of a stamp can turn a small gesture into a thing of great value. Talk about paying it forward!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Sunday, June 4, my husband and I were having breakfast with another couple at our favorite breakfast spot, Egg-ceptional, in Poland.

When it was time for the check to be delivered the waitress informed us that the bill had already been paid by some other diners in the restaurant. Nothing like this has ever happened to us before and we were deeply touched by the generosity of strangers.

We had noticed a group of very sharp-looking Maine State Police troopers eating at a table near us. When they got up to leave, one of the troopers said “Semper Fi” to my husband who is a former Marine and was wearing his USMC cap. We are guessing that they were our benefactors.

We’d like to say “Thank you” not only for our breakfast, but also for all that they do for the citizens of Maine.


—Rita Goodwin, Casco

ANSWER: Thank you, Rita, for sharing a wonderful story. And we share in your thanks to the Maine State Police for their work on our behalf. And thank you to our veterans for their service.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: We have several cases of new and unused orthopedic products (knee, wrist, ankle supports) that we would like to donate to an organization whose mission supports third-world countries with medical needs.

If you know of any such organizations, please contact Peter at 1-800-988-3067. Leave a message with a phone number and we will get back to you.

ANSWER: Partners for World Health is a Portland-based nonprofit that collects medical equipment from hospitals and other health care providers to ship to developing countries, but they will not accept equipment from individuals.

Are there any organizations that will accept Peter’s gift and make sure the donations get to where they’re best needed?

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