Fired FBI Director James Comey has testified that President Donald Trump was never under investigation in the Russia deal. And he refused, at Trump’s request, to clarify that information with the media, even after President Trump explained that that huge lie was impeding his ability to govern as president.

Comey must have felt intimidated when President Trump said “I hope” (not “I order you”) “to see the Flynn case stopped. He is a good man.”

People should remember that Trump is the president, and he can pardon Flynn if he gets charged with anything. The president can ask or talk about any investigation. He can fire Comey, and he did. Comey was upset when he was fired. Perhaps he is playing a get-even game.

Bottom line, nothing President Trump did was an impeachable offense. He has committed no crime.

Comey, on the other hand, leaked a memo to a friend to give to the press. That might not be a crime but his integrity is questionable. I think the FBI is better served with Comey gone.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford

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