Heating program offered

LEWISTON — Catholic Charities Maine has announced that it will offer a heating assistance program, Spread the Warmth, for local families this winter. 

Members of the community may nominate individuals and families who need a new heating system but can’t afford one. The homeowner will receive and have installed a new furnace or boiler free of charge before Dec. 25.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, Oct. 1.

Donations to Catholic Charities may also be used to help families pay for their heating fuel.

Catholic Charities will be supported by Murray-Heutz Oil and Propane.


FMI, nominate: www.spreadthewarmthme.org. 

Dance band to perform

BUCKFIELD — The Jones Dance Band will play from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, Sept. 9, 16, 23 and 30, at the Masonic Hall.

The cost is $5.

Day of Remembrance blood drive

AUBURN — The American Red Cross invites residents of Auburn and surrounding communities to join them at a 9/11 Day of Remembrance blood drive. The Red Cross will join with the Auburn Fire Department to honor those who lost their lives on that tragic day as well as the heroes who responded to the call for volunteers.


The blood drive will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11, at the Auburn fire station, 550 Minot Ave.

Captain Geoff Low of the Auburn Fire Department said, “It is a privilege for our men and women to host this 9/11 Day of Remembrance blood drive at the Auburn fire house. This is a chance to reflect on all of the heroes of that day, the ones who lost their lives as well as those who ‘showed up’ to do whatever needed to be done over the following days, weeks and months. Sept. 11 is a reminder to all of us that making blood donation part of our daily routine matters in emergencies. On that day it was the blood already on the shelves that helped save lives.”

FMI, appointment: redcrossblood.org, 1-800-733-2767.

Buckfield Historical Society to meet 

BUCKFIELD — The Buckfield Historical Society meets the second Thursday of the month from April to October begining with a social hour from 6 to 7 p.m. followed by the business meeting and presenation by a guest speaker.

The meetings are always open to the public. 


Lithianian Heritage Club picnic 

RUMFORD — The Lithianian Heritage Club will host an old-fashioned Lithuanian style picnic on Saturday, Sept. 16, at Black Mountain of Maine.

The picnic will begin at 11:30 a.m. with food being served at 12:30 p.m. until sold out. The food is made by club members and will include kielbasa, sauerkraut, kugelis, cabbage soup and much more, including dessert.

On display will be the award-winning Christmas Tree with club-made ornaments and white lights. A costume of Lithianian origin will also be part of the display.

There will be raffles sold on a basket filled with items from Lithuania and some homemade kielbasa. Music will be offered during the day. 

Participants don’t have to be a Lithuanian to come and celebrate. Everyone is welcome.

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