BETHEL — A Brown Bag Lunch will be held from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, at the Dr. Moses Mason House.

The planned heritage potluck lunch extends two October programs: Marcel Polak’s discussion of his family’s immigration and the Brown Bag Lunch on participants’ immigration stories.

For this get-together, those attending are asked to share a dish that represents their heritage.

One Western Mountains Senior College member looking forward to the event is Pat Hopkins. Her grandparents emigrated from Lithuania in 1900 and 1901, smuggled out of the country because the Russians wanted men for military service.

Having visited her parents’ native country in 2000, Hopkins was eager to see the changes and, in September this year, she traveled there with 12 members of the Lithuanian Heritage Club of Rumford. She visited her ancestors’ home and had dinner with family relatives in Vilnius. 

Hopkins said no Lithuanian food is low-calorie. She plans to bring a potato kugula to share.


Anna Sysko of Cafe DiCocoa hosts globally-themed dinner parties during the winter season and she can help with suggestions of a heritage dish. FMI: 207-450-2344.

At the lunch, Sysko will offer comments around one or more of the dishes being shared, and she will prepare some things she learned from her Lithuanian and Polish grandparents.

Brown Bag Lunches are sponsored by the Western Mountains Senior College and are free and open to the public.

Bring a beverage and serving dishes and utensils. Food should be ready-to-eat, with an index card indicating the name of the dish, its origin and a list of ingredients or the recipe.

FMI:, 207-562-1089.

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