Gun control has become a hot button issue, but it shouldn’t be. Virtually no one is advocating the abolition of all guns. That is not going to happen. People have the right to hunt and defend themselves. No one disputes that. We can have a conversation about concealed weapons in public. My opinion is law-abiding people don’t have that need.

AR-15 and similar weapons need to go, however. They are designed and manufactured for one purpose 4only — to kill lots of people very quickly.

Even armed police in every school could not prevent the massacres that are happening. Arming teachers and students won’t solve the problem. I want all guns out of schools.

Rep. Bruce Poliquin is a major stumbling block to meaningful gun reforms. The direction this country is taking now is very concerning. A sea change is needed. People need to think through all the issues of concern and weigh it all out.

Voters may well find that Democrats offer a more positive outlook for the country.

Those people who belong to the NRA should use their membership to influence its direction or simply drop their memberships.

People here in Maine can help influence the direction of this country by supporting candidates in other states who are seeking to replace congressional leadership, which is where the problems really begin.

Ed Burke, Gray

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