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Firefighters work Wednesday afternoon to extinguish a woods fire behind residences on Adams Road, off the Ridge Road in Chesterville. Above, Farmington firefighter Junior Turner calls for more hose to reach the burning area. It was the area’s first woods fire of the year, according to Patty Cormier, a forester and Farmington firefighter. A state forest ranger and 31 firefighters from Chesterville, Farmington, Industry, Jay, New Sharon and Wilton responded. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
Forester Patty Cormier, also a Farmington firefighter, said Wednesday’s woods fire off Adams Road in Chesterville was the first in the area this year. She is shown connecting hoses to reach behind residences on Adams Road. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
Farmington firefighters Junior Turner, left, and Stan Wilcox connect fire hoses Wednesday to reach a woods fire behind residences on Adams Road in Chesterville. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
A fire extends into the woods Wednesday behind residences on Adams Road in Chesterville. Thirty-one firefighters from six Franklin County towns responded to the blaze. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
A fire extends into the woods Wednesday behind residences on Adams Road in Chesterville. Firefighters from six Franklin County towns worked to put out the fire or haul water to the site. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
CHESTERVILLE — Flames that spread over 2 1/2 acres of woods Wednesday behind residences on Adams Road were caused by a fire that had been started to burn debris, according to Mark Rousseau, a forest ranger with the Maine Forest Service.
Thirty-one firefighters from Chesterville, Farmington, Industry, Jay, New Sharon and Wilton responded, according to Tim Hardy, deputy chief of the Farmington Fire Department.
Rousseau said he issued a summons to William Packer of Adams Road on a charge of failure to extinguish a fire.
It is the first woods fire of the year in the area, said Patty Cormier, a state district forester and Farmington firefighter.
The state will seek suppression costs for the fire departments that responded, Rousseau said.
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