LEWISTON — The Maine State Music Theatre will present “Cinderella” to second- and third-graders in the city’s public schools June 14 at Lewiston Middle School.

Madelyn Rancourt of Augusta has the lead role. Elliot Nagler of Brunswick plays the prince and Nakesha “Kay” Warren of Lewiston plays the fairy godmother.

Elliot Nagler of Brunswick places a glass slipper on Madelyn Rancourt of Augusta during a rehearsal for Maine State Music Theatre’s production of “Cinderella.” It will be presented to second- and third-graders in Lewiston public schools June 14 at Lewiston Middle School. (Submitted photo)

The performance is free to students, but to help pay for the production the Theatre is presenting a one-night performance of Irving Berlin’s music June 14 at The Dolard and Priscilla Gendron Franco Center, 46 Cedar St. in Lewiston. The show is titled “I Love A Piano.”

Last year, the Maine State Music Theatre partnered with the Franco Center for the first time, offering “The Taffetas.”

“It sold out in one day,” Curt Dale Clark, artistic director for Maine State Music Theatre, said. “We added a second performance, and it sold out. But this year we cannot add any performances.”

The show will include a variety of Berlin’s music and include singers and dancers.


“People can expect the most high-energy show of the summer,” Clark said. “I Love A Piano’ is all music,” including “White Christmas,” “God Bless America,” “Anything You Can Do,” “Blue Skies,” “Puttin’ on the Ritz” and more.

“In his day Berlin was the most prolific and patriotic writer there was,” Clark said. “There is no equal.” There is no story line in the show; it will be more of an Irving Berlin songbook performed by all singing, all dancing music sequences.

Mitch Thomas, executive director of the Gendron Franco Center, said he’s excited to again partner with the Maine State Music Theatre.

“It’s an appropriate show to bring to the Franco Center,” Thomas said. “We are a piano hall, with two Steinway pianos in the room.”

The show will be presented in Brunswick on June 18.

For the second year in a row, Lewiston Police Department Community Resource Officer Joseph Philippon helped arrange the Lewiston shows.


Philippon said he wanted to bring the show to students to expose them to a live theatrical performance and to the arts.

“I really like the idea of bringing the Maine State Music Theatre to Lewiston,” Philippon said. “They’re truly one of Maine’s gems. They put on fantastic shows. And Lewiston-Auburn has a fondness for music theater.”

Philippon said he’s working on raising enough money to next year send a busload of Lewiston students to a Maine State Music Theatre show in Brunswick. Seeing live theater could strike a chord and inspire some students to get involved with theater or consider a career in the arts, he said.

Anyone who buys a “I Love A Piano” ticket “is going to have a great evening,” Philippon said. “Ticket sales not only cover the cost of production, they help cover the cost of bringing theater to students.”

“I Love A Piano,” a performance of Irving Berlin’s music by the Maine State Music Theatre, will be held June 15 at The Dolard & Priscilla Gendron Franco Center, 46, Cedar St. in Lewiston. Proceeds will help pay for the Theatre’s performance of “Cinderella” on June 14 at Lewiston Middle School. For more information go to www.francocenter.org

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