If anyone wants to know what big out-of-state money looks like in politics, look no farther than all the big, expensive Bruce Poliquin signs that sprang up overnight. Someone paid big money for those signs and for a crew to put them up. His television ads are more expensive still.

That is not a grassroots movement of individual volunteers and donors. That is big money from out-of-state businessmen. What do they want in return for their investment in Poliquin? Nothing good for Mainers.

Poliquin talks about being from Maine, but his interests are in Wall Street.

Luckily, there is an alternative. Jared Golden is rooted in Maine. He saw the world as a Marine, worked for Susan Collins in Washington, then came home to serve in the Maine House of Representatives.

Voters can send Golden back to Washington to represent, not big business, but the citizens of Maine.

Judy Green, North Waterford

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