In Vietnam, I was Rat Six — the leader of the First Infantry Division Tunnel Rats. Among the many lessons I learned in the Army was the importance of taking care of one another; and I learned how recovery happens best at home.

I am supporting Question 1 in November because it would provide universal home care for all Maine seniors and the disabled. There are countless Maine veterans, such as myself, among those ranks. I hate to think that there are men and women who served this country who are being driven from their homes and placed in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.

All Maine seniors and veterans deserve the chance to age in place with dignity, at home or with their loved ones.

It is long overdue that a long-term care system is created that is available to every Maine citizen. It is the humane thing to do, but it also makes economic sense — it is more expensive to care for people in facilities than at home. In Maine it is upward of $100,000 annually for a bed at a nursing home. Hundreds of thousands of dollars could be saved if voters pass Question 1 in November. And no Maine senior or veteran would have to leave their beloved home because they need a little bit of help with cooking, cleaning, snow removal or something of the like.

As a veteran, I would like to see Question 1 pass this fall.

Jack Flowers, Auburn

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