Dennis O’Connor

Maine House 72

Social media accounts:
Facebook: Dennis M O’Connor For Common Sense Maine Legislator District 72; website:


High school, technical school for electronics repair.

Community Organizations:

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Hiking, poetry, writing, painting scenics, teaching my grandson.


Family status:
39 years same lovely lady, four grown children, one granddaughter, one great-grandson.

Years in the Legislature:                                                                                      None.

Committee assignments (if elected):
Education, Environment, Finance.


1) What legislation do you support, if any, to address the state’s opiate crisis?
It appears that progress was made in the past session, so continuing on that path and expanding Medicaid would definitely help.

2) What legislation do you support, if any, to address failures in the state’s child abuse prevention system?
Being new to the legislative process, I am bringing myself up to speed on many issues. Children falling through the cracks has always been a problem, which comes back to money and accountability.

3) Should schools continue to push forward with proficiency-based diplomas? Why or why not?
Changing how we grade students does little to affect how we teach them. I believe that we need more resources in our schools and children should be graded accordingly, with proficiency one factor.


4) Are you in favor of some type of universal health care for Maine residents? Why, or why not?
Yes, I believe in Medicare for All. It’s more cost effective and better than the mess we have now. I have talked to medical professionals and they agree.

5) Do you support Question 1 (the 3.8% tax to fund the home care program)? Why, or why not?
Yes. We continue to give tax breaks to the wealthy and nothing for the “common folk.” It’s time to change that.

6) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?                                                                                           I have always been a problem solver, and if my great-grandson has taught me anything, it’s patience. I will talk to anyone and don’t take insults personally.

7) Tell voters something about yourself that they don’t already know, and might surprise them.
Maine has given me much, and I want to give back. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life, and I want others to feel that same feeling. Thank you!

Speed Round

Should voters be required to show ID at the polls?                                                No.

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