Heidi Eileen Brooks

Maine House 61

Social media accounts


Medical degree

Community Organizations:
Promise Early Education Center board; Woman’s Literary Union; Maine People’s Alliance; Androscoggin County and Lewiston City Democratic Committees

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
I enjoy spending time with my family.


Family status:

Years in the Legislature: 4

Committee assignments (if elected):
Insurance and Financial Services


1) What legislation do you support, if any, to address the state’s opiate crisis?
I support legislation that will increase access to treatment and recovery. Expanding MaineCare, as approved by the voters, is important.

2) What legislation do you support, if any, to address failures in the state’s child abuse prevention system?
I support strengthening the child protection workforce. The legislation we passed to add more case managers was a good first step.

3) Should schools continue to push forward with proficiency-based diplomas? Why or why not?
It is important that local school districts have the authority to issue diplomas based on the criteria that work for that district.


4) Are you in favor of some type of universal health care for Maine residents? Why, or why not?
I support universal health care and sponsored a universal health care bill. It is important that we all have access to quality health care. Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment are essential.

5) Do you support Question 1 (the 3.8% tax to fund the home care program)? Why, or why not?
I support increasing funding for home care. It is important that people get the care they need as they age. Providing in-home care can help people stay in their homes.

6) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?

The negativity in politics is frustrating. I will not engage in negative campaigning.

7) Tell voters something about yourself that they don’t already know, and might surprise them.
I played softball and field hockey in high school.

Speed Round

Should voters be required to show ID at the polls? No

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