Produced by Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is by Lee Sharkey of Portland. The poem originally appeared in “FIELD.”


Farewell (August Macke, 1913)

By Lee Sharkey


I must always think of August. I can’t imagine that his good luck will leave him.

— Franz Marc


Wherever you are you are somewhere on earth.

Whoever you are you are someone saying farewell.

Look how light floods through the doors of the station

outlining dark forms gathered in family groupings,

the children standing small and bewildered,

the mothers clutching a handkerchief or a letter,


the young men turning their faces away, the pair

bent over drinks at the bar. Wherever you are,

the scene plays out mutely, even the dog keeps quiet,

the train will arrive, people will board and depart.

Those who have dressed for the occasion in hats

and long coats step forward, putting all in order.


Dennis Camire can be reached at

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