100 years ago: 1919

Major E.E. Philbrook, field agent for the Maine State Agriculture Department, in charge of the spray moth program, has been secured as a speaker at the next social supper of the First Universalist Church of Lewiston on Feb. 16.

50 years ago: 1969

Poland Spring Job Corps Center for Women will send 15 singers to participate in a Race Relations program this Sunday at the United Methodist Church, Auburn. Among those performing are Ruby Brown, Lillian Boyd, Ernestine Edwards, Elizabeth Fairfield, Diane Farmer, Fredia Gray, Hazel Gray, Willie Griggs, Veronica Leach, Joan Patterson, Gloria Peterson, Barbara Polito, Ada Rainey. Diane Sutton and Ethel Wells.

25 years ago: 1994

One hundred Senior Girl Scouts traveled from the Oxford Hills to Bates College here Saturday to visit the Museum of Art and learn about “Black Dolls, Memorabilia, and Children’s Literature.” The exhibit included several dolls made by a Norway resident. Museum educator Chris Sheridan used her time with the girls in the exhibit itself to point out types of dolls and to caution against negative stereotyping. While many of the dolls in the exhibit are beautiful pieces any parent would be proud to have a child own, others depict African-Americans as subservient to white people.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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