Maine waters are being invaded!  As with a serious illness, early detection is key.  The earlier the introduced invader — such as Eurasian water-milfoil is detected, the greater the chances of successful management and reducing the risk of spread.

With over 6,000 lakes and ponds, and thousands of miles of suitable stream habitat to be monitored for the presence of aquatic invaders on an ongoing basis, the challenge in Maine is enormous.

Free training, coming soon to Rangeley, will provide you with everything you need to get started.

Eurasion Water-milfoil Courtesy of Lake Stewards of Maine

When people think of an invasive aquatic plant, they oftentimes think of milfoil. But there are native milfoils, which don’t threaten our waters and several problematic milfoils, which are dangerous.  There are nine other lesser known plants, such as curly leaf pondweed, European frogbit and hydrilla which could be just as dangerous to our waters.

Our crystal clear lakes are an incredible resource for Rangeley.  Without these wonderful lakes, our town would be less attractive to residents and visitors alike.  If an invasive plant becomes established, then it multiples rapidly choking the surface of the lake which, at first glance, may appear to be an agricultural field instead of a lake.

The plants will entangle swimmers as well as boat propellers.


While invasive plants have infested lakes in the southern and central Maine regions, no established plants have been found in the Rangeley area.

Eurasian Water-milfoil

Lake Stewards of Maine, formerly known as the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, is the oldest, and one of the largest, citizen-based lake monitoring programs in the nation.

Through its internationally recognized Invasive Plant Patrol program, LSM has now trained over 4,500 Plant Patrollers across the state of Maine.  Lake Stewards of Maine has a network of “jump start teams,” which respond to a newly identified invasive plants.  This team’s goal is control and eradication of these plants, before they become established.

The Rangeley workshop on Aug. 14 is presented in four parts:

•        Overview of invasive species issues in Maine and beyond

•        Plant identification fundamentals


•        Plant identification hands-on exercise with live plants

•        Conducting an invasive aquatic plant screening survey, tools and techniques

This course is sponsored locally by The Friends of Quimby Pond and by The Rangeley Region Guides and Sports, who donated the use of their clubhouse.

This course is free to all participants and refreshments will be available.  All workshop participants receive an Invasive Plant Patroller’s Handbook.  Attendees who sign up to become certified also receive a copy of the Maine Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants.

To register for the course, contact Sue Motley at or call 207-670-8124.

Plant patrollers who have already taken this course are welcome as well.

The start time will be announced at a later date.  Organizers hope that participants would join one of the local “plant patrol” teams, which are organized by the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust. But, participation in the plant patrol team is not required.

Help protect area bodies of water from these aquatic invaders and keep Rangeley lakes, ponds, and streams unspoiled.

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