Academy Hill School students, staff and volunteers took to the field for a fun day of outdoor activities on the last full day of school in Wilton Wednesday, June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden



WILTON — Academy Hill School students, staff and volunteers took to the field and parking lot near the school Wednesday, June 19 to enjoy the warm weather, play games and get creative.

Lucinda Drechsler took one group of students on a nature walk behind the G.D. Cushing School. One student returned with a long turkey feather.

Several students played basketball while others were seen participating in a take–off of Duck, Duck, Goose. Nearby students learned the basics of croquet or practiced their soccer skills. At the further edge of the field students were seen tossing a ball from one large parachute to another while others played lacrosse.

Some students created colorful chalk pictures or made a list of words they associated with summer vacation. Another group of students tie–dyed bandanas and/or socks.


Members of the Wilton Fire Department roasted hot dogs on a grill for a barbecue lunch. Fire Chief Sonny Dunham said his crew has been doing it every year for the past six or eight years.

“We’ll cook about 160 hot dogs here and 90 – 100 at Cushing,” he said.

Basketball was a popular activity for Academy Hill School students on June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden








Some students at Academy Hill School in Wilton chose to make tie-dyed bandannas or socks on June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

Wilton Fire Rescue Chief Sonny Dunham at left and firefighter Dale Roberts are seen getting ready to cook hot dogs for the Academy Hill School field day June 19. Also helping was George Guptill. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

Some Academy Hill School students chose to practice their soccer skills on June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

Some students at Academy Hill School in Wilton took part in a backwards crawl race on Wednesday, June 19. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

At Academy Hill School in Wilton June 19, students could play various sports games, create a list of summer vacation words or draw chalk pictures. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

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