WILTON — Selectpersons Tiffany Maiuri and David Leavitt were chosen as board representatives for upcoming union negotiations. Three-year contracts with Teamsters Local Union 340 and AFSCME Council 93 expire June 30, Town Manager Rhonda Irish said.

Wilton Selectperson Tiffany Maiuri and Chairman Keith Swett review paperwork at the Select Board meeting Tuesday night, Jan. 21. Dee Menear/Franklin Journal

The unions represent municipal employees including police and office staff.

The board approved allowing Irish to inform union representatives it was ready to begin negotiations.

In other matters, Franklin County Commissioner and resident Terry Brann raised concerns with the Select Board Tuesday, Jan. 21, over junk vehicles on Weld Road properties. “One, in particular, has two or three trucks. The next one above has several Mustangs in various stages of disrepair,” he said.

Code Enforcement Officer Charlie Lavin has several properties he is reviewing, Irish said. She asked Brann to submit the addresses of the properties in question to make sure they were on Lavin’s list.

Selectpersons also awarded a $43,500 engineering and landscaping design contract to Sevee and Maher Engineers of Cumberland for a retaining wall project at Wilson lake.

“We want the public very involved,” she said following the meeting. “We will have a kickoff meeting very soon to listen to design ideas and hear what people want or don’t want down there.”

A budget workshop is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. in the Town Office. The purpose of the workshop is to review the last six months of the current budget. Irish said Budget Committee members would be asked to attend since the 2020-21 budget process would be underway soon.

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