Social media accounts:; ‘Representative John Andrews’ on Facebook

Full- time parent and legislator

University of New Hampshire, B.A., 2001

Community Organizations:
Paris Select Board (former);  Paris Economic Development Committee (former); Oxford Hills Youth Football Coach; Oxford Lodge #18 A.F. & A.M.; volunteer grant writer for Pink Feather Foundation and Norway Paris Fish & Game Club; sponsor of Buckfield 10 and Under Softball; sponsor of Nezinscot Valley Players; sponsor of Paris Fire Auxillary; Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine; Gun Owners of Maine; member of Norway-Paris, Western Maine and Waterford Fish and Game Clubs

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Coaching, grant writing, fly fishing, competitive pistol and 3 gun matches

Family status:
Married to Dr. Jeannette Andrews, with two young children


Years in the Legislature: 2 Years (129th)

Committee assignments (if elected):
Veteran’s and Legal Affairs Committee


1) Are you satisfied with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, why? If not, what do you think should be done instead?
Involving business/hospitality stakeholders earlier to build a proactive timeline/establish concrete policy for strategic planning. My bill deregulating occupational license was used by executive order.

2) As the state tries to balance its upcoming budget in light of the reduction in tax revenue because of the pandemic, how would you decrease expenses or increase revenues?
Budget for needs over wants. Legislators must spend responsibly like it was their money. Cut red tape, lower tax burdens on business so they can rebuild and grow. Create a pro-business environment.

3) How does serving as a local politician in your respective party align to the larger goals of that party?
In Augusta I fight for individual liberty, our constitutional rights and common sense spending. I am a public servant. I volunteer and support local groups. I try to leave the politics in Augusta.

4) What do you think is the most pressing matter that pertains to the next generation of Mainers who may be voting for the first time?
The ability to stay in Maine, find a good job and raise a family. We must support pro-Maine and pro-growth policies to build a strong 21st century economy to keep our kids in Maine. We owe it to them.

5) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?
In the 129th I worked across the aisle to pass meaningful legislation to make ballot initiative questions easier to read and understand for Maine voters. I will continue bipartisanship for good ideas.

6) If you are elected, is there anything in particular that you hope to accomplish? And briefly, why?
I am working with national and local advocates on a bill to take on human trafficking. Maine is one of two states with a “D” grade on HT policy. We must do better and I hope to be a part of it.

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