As mayor of Auburn for the past three years, I have seen firsthand the good that elected officials can do when they prioritize constituents’ needs over party loyalty. But sadly, we have all watched recently as our elected representative favored the speaker of the house in her personal quests for higher office, rather than the needs of her neighbors. The outcomes are disastrous, especially as we watched Democrat leaders, with the support of our local representative, trade our voice for the absolute rule of the governor. Forfeiting our voice when it needs to be heard the most.

It’s vitally important to support the right representative for North Auburn and Minot this November. That candidate is Laurel Libby: a health care worker, mother, community volunteer and someone who understands what Auburn needs (and doesn’t need).

All politics are local. Pay attention to candidates, get out and vote, and stay involved.

Jason Levesque, Auburn

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