My name is Dash Padham, and I own and manage a number of apartment buildings in the Bates College area. We were fortunate to be represented by Jared Golden, and fortunate again to have Kristen Cloutier fill his seat (House District 60).

She has worked tirelessly for the residents of Lewiston and deserves our support for another term. Kristen has been there to help me navigate state red tape, and I know she has also been there to assist my tenants. She truly has the best interest of Lewiston and its residents at heart.

It is rare to find a politician who understands there are many sides to an issue. Kristen does so with a level of personal caring and attention to detail that is so often missing today. We are blessed that she is willing to continue representing us in Augusta, and we should take her up on that.

Dash Padham, Lewiston

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