Regional School District 9 school board agenda

6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021

Place: The Forum, Mt. Blue Campus

Zoom Link: 

I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public comment
A. Review of expectations for public comment
IV. Report of the Chairperson – Carol Coles
A. Board informational pamphlet
B. Board member policy BCA: Code of Ethics
V. Good news stories from board / administrators
VI. Superintendent’s report – Christian Elkington
A. New hires, transfers, resignations, and retirements
B. Foster Career and Technical Education Center logging equipment
C. American Rescue Plan Homeless Grant
VII. Admin updates
A. Cascade Brook School – Nichole Goodspeed, Principal
B. Foster Career and Technical Education Center – Melissa Williams, Director
C. Transportation – Richard Joseph, transportation specialist
VIII. Presentations
IX. Consent agenda
A. Minutes from August 10, 2021
B. Committee report outs and minutes
1. Operations Committee – none
2. Personnel & Finance – none
3. Educational Policy – none
4. Drop-Out Prevention – none
● Motion to approve the consent agenda.
X. New Business
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A. Adjust masking expectations in grades 9-12 to include universal masking for all students and staff, with shields for those students and staff per their current IEP/504 Plan or with a medically documented need.
● Motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation for adjusting the universal masking expectations for grades 9-12.
B. Add into the RSU 9 reopening plan a monthly review (2nd mtg. of the month), of the recommended Maine CDC guidelines and expectations for universal masking and to review county and neighboring county infection and positivity rates to see if changes should be made to RSU 9’s universal masking expectations based on new data.
● Motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation for a monthly review (2nd mtg. of the month), of the Maine CDC guidelines and recommendations, along with infection and positivity rates in order to see if RSU 9 universal masking expectations should be adjusted based on new data.
C. MSBA Resolutions Notice
1. 2021 Proposed MSBA Resolutions
D. Election of MSBA Delegate
● Motion to elect ______ as the MSBA Delegate for the 2021/22
school year.
E. Approve new hires
● Motion to approve the new hires as presented in the superintendent’s report.
F. Acceptance of Foster Career and Technical Education Center grant
1. Grant award
2. Grant selections
● Motion to accept the $50,000 grant from the Logging and Forestry
Education Grant Program of the Department of Agriculture,
Conservation and Forestry – Bureau of Parks and Lands.
G. Acceptance of American Rescue Plan Homeless Grant
1. Grant award
2. Grant application
● Motion to accept the $9,000 American Rescue Plan Homeless grant from the MDOE.
H. First reading of RSU 9 Draft Affirmative Action Plan
I. First reading of GCI: Professional Staff Development Opportunities
J. Out of State Field Trip Request
1. AeroSpace Festival 2021
● Motion to approve the field trip request to the AeroSpace Festival on Sept. 4, 2021 in Concord, NH.
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K. Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(E). To Seek legal counsel on the rights & duties of the school unit & board
● Motion to enter into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A Sec. 405(6)(E) – To Seek Legal Counsel
L. Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A). Evaluation of the superintendent
● Motion to enter into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A Sec. 405(6)(A) – Evaluation of the superintendent
XI. Adjourn

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