JAY — The Jay Select Board voted Monday to allow the town manager to sign a net energy billing credit purchase and sale agreement with ReVision Energy Inc. for solar power credits to reduce the town’s electrical costs.

The board approved proceeding with the steps in June necessary to enter into an agreement with the South Portland-based company.

A lawyer reviewed the agreement and recommended a couple of changes to the contract, to which the board agreed, according to Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere.

Jay, the towns of Livermore Falls and Wilton and the Livermore Falls Water District had a joint legal review done of the proposed contract.

The photovoltaic solar powered facility from which the entities would receive solar power is based in Waldoboro.

The town is to receive a 14.5% share of the project’s output for 20 years. Under this arrangement, the town would receive a dollar credit on its monthly electricity bill on its share of the output and the rates set annually by the Maine Public Utilities Commission for the program.

The anticipated commercial operation of the facility is Dec. 31, 2023.

In other matters, the board nominated residents Barbara Cook and Brandon Hobbs as regular members of the Planning Board, with terms to expire in September 2027. They are current members of the board. The nominations is to be acted on when the Select Board meets at 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 12, at the Town Office.

Selectpersons also set a special meeting for 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16, at the Town Office to set the property tax and sewer commitments.

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