Sophie’s Squash by Pat Zietlow Miller and Anne Wilsdorf


Sophie’s Squash

By Pat Zietlow Miller and Anne Wilsdorf

This is one of my favorite fall, children’s picture books. The story is sweet and the illustrations are colorful and whimsical. It is fun to read and fun to listen to.

Sophie, a pre-schooler, goes to the Farmer’s Market with her parents. She picks out a squash to take home. But…when they get home, Sophie makes it very clear that the squash should not be cut up, cooked and eaten, for she wants the squash to be her baby. She names the squash Bernice and cares for Bernice with much love. Her understanding and kind parents let Sophie have her way even though they do try to convince her several times to give the squash up.

As time goes by, Bernice gets soft. Sophie seeks advice from the farmer at the Farmer’s Market as to how to keep her baby healthy.

Read this delightful book to find out everything Sophie’s parents try to do to convince Sophie to give Bernice up. How does Sophie care for Bernice? What advice does the farmer give Sophie about how to keep Bernice healthy? Does Sophie take the farmer’s advice? Does the story have a happy ending or not?

If you enjoy Sophie’s Squash you will likely like the sequel: Sophie’s Squash: Go to School. Happy Fall Reading!

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