LIVERMORE FALLS — December 4 service. God has given us another beautiful day to worship in His house! And, speaking of beautiful days, Saturday was a rainy, dismal day. However, inside the First Baptist Church, there was light, laughter, and joyous activity! Annie Anders and helpers arranged a “shopping day” for any children who were interested in buying gifts for their families. Gifts were sold for 25 cents each, and many ladies were available to wrap those gifts. It was a wonderful day for children and adults. Congratulations to all who gave of their time to support local children and parents.

The Worship Service began promptly at 10:30 a.m., after Maggie Houihan played familiar Christmas carols on the pipe organ. Kay King-Watson welcomed all to the service and read the Announcements. She led us in singing two Praise Songs: “Lo! How A Rose E’er Blooming” and “Bethlehem”. Rev. Thayer read the Call To Worship from Isaiah, Chapter 42, Verses 1 – 4.

Dianne Hirsh lit the first two Advent Candles, Hope and Faith, then read the meaning of the Faith Candle. We sang the second verse of the Advent Candle Song. Rev. Thayer led us in the Prayer Time, followed by singing “O Little Town of Bethlehem”. During the Offertory, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem”. The Worship Team provided Special Music as they sang “The Advent of Our God”.

Rev. Thayer based his Sermon on the story of Mary, as written in the Book of Luke, Chapter 1, Verses 26 – 38. When an angel appeared to Mary, a young girl in her early teens, he told her she would conceive a child and name him “Jesus”. Mary’s reaction to the announcement was surprising. She remained calm after the initial shock of news that would seem impossible to believe. She was engaged to Joseph and had done nothing to cause a pregnancy. But she had Faith that God had asked her to do something important for His kingdom. The lesson to be learned from the story of Mary is simple, but difficult to accomplish: When God calls on us, we need to put aside personal plans and follow where He leads us, no matter how impossible it may seem. When God calls, don’t try to ignore Him, listen to Him and think, “what is best for God’s Kingdom?” Then follow the path He has made for you.

After the Sermon, we sang “A Communion Hymn for Christmas”, followed by The Lord’s Table. The service ended as the Congregation formed a circle and we sang “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.


  • 1. In December, we are collecting cereal. for the Food Cupboard, and we will collect canned soup in January.
  • 2. Sunday School each Sunday for all.
  • 3. Bible Study each Tuesday at 10 a.m. for all interested.
  • 4. Mary’s Lunch each Thursday at 11:30 a.m. for all ladies.
  • 5. The Worship Team rehearses each Thursday at 1 p.m. for all interested in singing.
  • 6. Christmas Dinner will be served after Worship on December 18.Our next Hymnsing will take place on December 18 at 7 p.m.
  • 8. The next Soap ‘N More Store will be on Saturday, December 18, from 9 a.m. until Noon.

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