I am writing about the new bill, LD 1619, put forward by Gov. Janet Mills.

This abortion bill is too extreme for Maine, since it would allow abortions up to birth for any reason, while under the care of a licensed medical professional.

As a mother of five adopted children with special needs, I do not support this bill which sets us back decades as far as respecting the lives of people with disabilities. Many late-term abortions are performed because of fetal anomalies detected in the last trimester. Aborting a viable baby because they have disabilities is saying they are less valuable and don’t deserve to live.

People can ask any of my children if they think they would have been better off being aborted. I can assure people; they would say they are happy to be alive. They have fulfilling lives and make valuable contributions to our community.

Three of my children were adopted from China, where abortion is available on demand up until birth in most provinces, and where people with disabilities suffer from many forms of discrimination. Almost all European countries limit abortions in the second and third trimesters, and LD 1619 would put us on par with countries like China and North Korea. Is that what we want the beautiful state of Maine to be known for?

I hope Maine citizens will urge their senators and representatives to vote against this extreme abortion bill, and show they value people with special needs and disabilities.

Amy Smith, Durham

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