I testified against LD 1619 on May 1. I got to the Maine State House at 9 a.m. and did not testify until 11 p.m. Here is my testimony:

“I am the grandmother of identical twin girls who were born alive and well at 28 weeks old, and they are still alive and well 11 years later.

“I don’t understand why the current abortion law in the state of Maine needs to be changed. If a baby is allowed to live in the mother’s womb for 24 weeks, the baby is considered to be viable. Viable means that the baby can now live outside the mother’s womb.”

“Aborting a viable baby is infanticide. Infanticide is the murder of an innocent, living, viable baby. This will happen if LD 1619 is passed.

“Is this what the people of Maine want? Please vote no for LD 1619.”

Kim Bosse, Lewiston

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