Fox Ridge

Sunday, Oct. 8 fall four-ball best ball results: Net — 1. Justin Meader/Uriah Forest-Bulley/Ryan Fairbanks/Ace Haseltine 131 2. Scott Mallar/Joe Lariviere/Tim Pelletier/Bob Norton 132 3. Eugene Paradis/Bob Washburn/Mike Vanzandt/Mitch Curtis 133; Pins: No. 3 — 1. Joe Larviere 6 feet, 2 inches 2. Tim Pelletier 12 feet, 11 inches; No. 5 — 1. Cindy Gelinas 8 feet, 11 inches 2. Ace Haseltine 11 feet 4 inches; No. 13 — 1. Tim Pelletier 3 feet, 7 inches 2. Brian Cameron 22 feet; N0. 16 — 1. Al Fares 12 feet, 10 inches 2. Ace Haseltine 13 feet, 4 inches; Skins: Gross — Ace Haseltine No. 2, Tim Pelletier No. 3, Uriah Forest-Bulley No. 4, No. 10, No. 14, and No. 16, Joe Lariviere No. 18; Net — Maureen Heath No. 3, Brian Heath, Ace Haseltine No. 6, Bob Norton No. 15.


2023 President’s Cup results: Champions — Jake Erickson/Mitch Woodbrey; Runnerup — Steve Lycette/Rich Asselin; Semifinalists — Mark Tucker/Jason Rousseau, Eric McCue/Jamie Grattelo.

Ron Peyser aced the 180-yard ninth hole using a driver. It was witnessed by Paul Legendre.

Poland Spring


Tuesday, Oct. 3 Maine Golf women’s results: Flight one: Gross — Allison Landes, 71; Liz Coffin, 78; Cecily Whiting, 81; Kathi O’Grady, 83 Net — Karen Koulovatos, 67; Carrie Baker, 70; Carol Burnham, 71; Kathleen Rokowski, 72; Flight two: Gross — Mary Doherty, 87; Debbie Lalemand, 90; Rachel Newman, 90; Margo Audiffred, 91 Net — Judi Hawkes, 67; Nancy Bither, 67; Cindy Shaw, 69; Durice Washburn, 71; Darlene Davison, 71; Flight three: Gross — Lois Adams, 91; Sharon Houle, 93; Pam Jandreau, 93; Ann May, 97; Cathy Fifield, 97 Net — June Bureau, 66; Lisa Love, 68; Judy Martin, 71; Peggy Wilson, 71; Flight four: Gross — Linda Robichaud, 101; Karen Dunbar, 101; Becky Dyer, 101; Anne Pooler, 102; Net — Jill Longstaff, 71; Joyce Mazerolle, 71; Sandy Osterrieder, 72; Maureen Collins, 72.


Tuesday, Oct. 3 Maine Golf women’s results: Flight one: Gross — Mary Brandes, 77; Meredith Koerner, 79; Beth Truty, 79; Helen Boucher, 81 Net — Linda Varrell, 68; Carolyn Cianchette, 70; Kris Hughes, 71; Catherine Keeley, 71; Kim Burnham, 71; Flight two: Gross — Nancy Thompson, 91; Michelle Boggs, 92; Connie Koch, 93; Barbara Pearson, 95; Tracy Johnson, 95 Net — Donna Applebee, 72; Linda Laughlin, 72; Celeste Ross, 72; Ann Anthony, 74; Flight three: Gross — Barbara Levison, 91; Mary Abbott, 98; Claire Poulin, 99; Barbara Redmond, 103 Net — Donna Browne, 68; Felicia Kennedy, 69; Linda Marquis, 73; Suzanne Reed, 74


Sunday, Oct. 8 Shamrock results: Gross — 1. John Pleau/Gerry Laroche/Rick Carleton/Bob Tremblay 146 3. Bong Adil/Ron Leeman/Tom Tiner/Don Rahmlow 147; Net — 1. Dan Parent/Brandon Marcotte/Bill Crane/Ray Roy 134 2. Dave Kus/Bud Murphy/Roger Maloney/Aaron Burke 135; 3.Brian Henderson/Ken Carver/Mark Susi/Marc Rodrigue 136; Pins: No. 2 — Brandon Marcotte 10 feet, 4 inches; No. 8 — Dave Kus 12 feet, 1 inch; No. 13 — Brian Henderson 2 feet; No. 15 — John Pleau 15 feet, 4 inches; Skins: Gross — John Pleau/Gerry Laroche/Rick Carleton/Bob Tremblay No. 5 and No. 11, Dan Parent/Brandon Marcotte/Bill Crane/Ray Roy No. 8, No. 12, and No. 18, Joe Mertzel/Roger Poulin/Dick Therrien/Jeff Mertzel No. 14; Net — John Pleau/Gerry Laroche/Rick Carleton/Bob Tremblay No. 1 and No. 16, Dave Kus/Bud Murphy/Roger Maloney/Aaron Burke No. 4 and No. 15; Dan Parent/Brandon Marcotte/Bill Crane/Ray Roy No. 8, No. 12, and No. 18,

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