DEAR SUN SPOTS: American Legion Post 24 at 184 Congress St. in Rumford will hold its 10th Annual Women Veterans Luncheon on Saturday, Nov. 18. We are so proud of this milestone event. It begins with registration at 9:30 a.m. There will be a morning of activities and lunch will be provided about 12:30 p.m. Please help us get the word out to all women veterans in Maine. There is no charge and you do not need to be a Legion member to attend. We would like to receive RSVPs by Nov. 16.

We are looking for anyone willing to donate their services for chair massages for this luncheon. We are also looking for anyone wishing to donate a raffle item for our free raffles. This day is important for our veterans as it provides a day of camaraderie and lets them know that their service to our country does matter. Your support for women veterans is truly appreciated.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a twin bed box spring and mattress to give away. Please call me at (207) 344-5937 if you are interested. — No name, Lewiston

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Ladies Circle will hold a Christmas Craft Fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Universalist Church on Turner Center Road in Turner across from the Gazebo. We’ll be having crafts, attic treasures, baked goods and a lunch. — Elvera, Turner

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In cleaning, I have found about a dozen old candles that I would gladly give to anyone who has a use for them. I hate to just throw them away, but I no longer need them. Thank you for all you do. I love reading your column every day. If interested, call me at 207-461-5788. — Pat, no town.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to Claire’s letter regarding donations of old music (10/17/23), the Bagaduce Music Lending Library in Blue Hill has accepted such donations in the past. According to its website, they do not accept collections, hymnals, encyclopedias, photocopies, band music (though they have a sister organization that does) or music damaged by smoke, water or mold. Their website states that collection of donations is temporarily suspended due to COVID, but I feel it might be worth Claire’s time to give them a call to check the current status of donations. Bagaduce makes the donated music available for others everywhere to sign out and use, making it one of Maine’s great resources. — No name, no town.

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