I write to voice my enthusiastic support for Susan Longchamps as the prospective Lewiston city councilor.

Susan possesses a clear vision for the future of our city, one that is inclusive, innovative and responsive to the evolving needs of our diverse population. What sets Susan apart is her approachability and willingness to engage with the citizens she aspires to represent.

I’ve had the privilege of working on several community events with Susan, most notably the Recovery Rally in Kennedy Park. I’ve also seen her attending community forums, where she demonstrated a genuine interest in understanding the issues that matter most to our community. This level of responsiveness and accessibility is precisely what we need in our future city councilor.

I endorse Susan as councilor. Her dedication to community and leadership qualities make her the ideal candidate to represent our interests and bring about positive change.

Brandy Hiltz, Recovery Connections of Maine co-founder, Lewiston

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