My neighborhood overlooks the site of the second shooting on Oct. 25 at Schemengees Bar & Grille. It’s about a four minute walk away.

I never believed this sort of thing could or would happen in Maine.

And I hope where Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and our other New England neighbors are concerned this may finally provide the impetus for prudent changes to our gun laws — for enhanced background checks, for banning assault-style weapons that skilled hunters don’t need, along with the high-capacity magazines they employ.

In Congress, Sen. Angus King and Congressman Jared Golden in the past both opposed the banning of assault-type weapons under the banner, for one in his letter to me wrote, that “politics is the art of the possible, and there is no appetite in the Senate for an assault-weapons ban.”

No appetite. I respect Sen. King, except on this issue.

But with Rep. Golden, I didn’t know his reasoning but see that he has now reversed his stance since this tragedy in our hometown, and now supports a ban on these weapons.


These changes would be sane steps taken to lessen the severity of these events when they occur, which I hope our lawmakers will consider…. now, in this season of our state’s sadness.

Let’s support Representatives Golden and Pingree, especially, as they redouble their efforts to achieve these counter-measures to the gun industry assault on our citizens, and children, by proxy.

And may New England lead the way in this campaign to save our children.

Paul Baribault Lewiston

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