100 Years Ago: 1923

President Coolidge is definitely a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 1924. Announcement of Mr. Coolidge’s candidacy was made last night, while party leaders were gathering in the capitol for the annual meeting of the Republican National committee and three days after he had outlined his politics in his first message to congress. Assurances of support immediately began to pour in upon William M. Butler, Republican National committeeman for Mass., who was named his “personal representative” in the campaign.

50 Years Ago: 1973

The East Auburn Ladies Circle will have its annual Christmas observance on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Members will have dinner at the Roundhouse Motor Inn at 6:30 pm, then adjourn to the home of Mrs. Irene McDonald, on Turner St. for a party and exchange of gifts.

25 Years Ago: 1998

Erin Field speaks of blanket drives and fund raising pageants with the soft but resolute voice of a commander, patiently and articulately answers their questions She says she never, ever gets nervous when she asks someone to help one of her causes.


And she is all of 12 years old.

“Sometimes they are grumpy,” said Field of those she approaches. But I say, “Thank you anyway.” And some do say yes to her.

So with Christmas approaching, the seasoned charity veteran from Oxford is taking on her biggest project yet.

She hopes to have 1,000 boxes, donated, toy filled shoe boxes wrapped in red and green mistletoe prints, to give to boys and girls affiliated with the Maine Children’s Home in Waterville.

New Balance shoes donated the boxes. Some people gave money. Others gave little five and dime gifts. And children’s groups–the Girl Scouts, the Oxford Hills Junior High Builders Club and others–are helping to fill and wrap the boxes. Each contains age-related items for children up to 16: combs, dolls, candy and so on. The home will distribute them to 39 towns, to children from Augusta to Skowhegan to Fairfield.

It was all Field’s idea. She asked for help by sending notes to area schools and churches, She brought the idea to her school club, and sent an e-mail message to the children’s home suggesting: “Let’s do business.”

She selected the number of 1,000 boxes because, “I don’t want anyone to be left out,” she said. “I just kind of felt like I should help because I can.”

“She’s so inspiring,” said the Waterville home’s Christmas coordinator, Donna-Jo Mitchell. “She’s a lot older than her years.”

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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