100 Years Ago: 1924

The Auburn Ski Club will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 at Community Service headquarters to make plans in connection with the ski jumping and ski run events of the Auburn Winter Carnival, and also in regards to sending representatives to the Berlin, Rumford, and other carnivals. Weekly Saturday and Sunday activities will be further planned and discussed.

Anyone interested, whether a club member or not, is invited to attend. E. A. Woodward, Bates skiing instructor, will be present and if desired give advice and instruction, etc.

The club has ordered insignia from a design by Mr. Woodward, and when the members blossom out with these it is expected there will be a great rush to join up.

50 Years Ago: 1974

An Auburn teacher was informed by Auburn police this morning that his auto had been recovered, even before he realized it had been stolen.


It was shortly before 7:30 am that a Hotel Road resident notified police that a car had been parked in his yard overnight and was blocking his driveway. The caller said he had no idea who the vehicle belonged to.

Patrolman Bruce Bartlett investigated and learned the auto was registered to Richard Michaelsen of 15 Huston Ave., an instructor at Edward Little High School. Michelsen said he left the keys in the ignition and someone must have stolen the vehicle from his driveway during the night. There was no report of damage to the auto.

25 Years Ago: 1999

Richard B. Olfene Jr. of Cape Elizabeth has been elected Kora Temple potentate, succeeding Paul V. Sherman of Wayne. Kora Temple has 4,400 members throughout southern and central Maine. Olfene joined the Shrine in 1975. He was named as an officer of the Divan in 1989, filling all the Divan positions during the succeeding years until elected potentate in 1999.

Olfene was born in Lewiston and educated in Auburn schools, graduating from Edward Little High School. He later graduated from Northeast University at Boston, Mass. He is an ardent sports fan and has been officiating at various high school football games for the past 25 years.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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