The Cast of “The Pale Pink Dragon,” front from left, are Kai Helczyk-Postole, Luke Gaspary, Breann Nagle, Mackenzie Blackwell, Sophia Partridge, Alice Mercik, Arya Iannotti, Sophia Pinard, Audrey Blake, Brenda Butler and Emily Hamlin. Back from left are Mark Sylvester, Ender Gaspary, Dorothy Gaspary, Oliver Hamlin, Lucy MacLeod, Makenzie Allen, Iana Helczyk-postole, Ronan Sawyer and Avery Hamlin. Monmouth Community Players photo

The Monmouth Community Players have announced the cast of its MCPKids! musical, “The Pale Pink Dragon.”

The musical fairy tale was written by Phyllis McCallum, with music by Jean Tandowsky and lyrics by Prue Holden. The production is led by Josie French as director and music director.

Rounding out the team are Kayla Newmeyer as assistant director, Ken Mansur as choreographer, Debby Mansur as costume lead, Amy Hamlin as props lead, Kyle Mansur as stage manager, Alex Lally as sound designer and operator, and Danny Gay as producer and set/lighting designer.

The Kingdom of Caladar is in an uproar. Princess Pinkie has disappeared, a dragon lurks in the forest, and it is presumed that he has devoured the princess. Gallant Prince Hal, his bumbling squire and the King, the pompous chamberlain and Pinkie’s fierce white cat set out to destroy the dragon, according to a news release from Monmouth Community Players.

The cast features Sophia Pinard, Audrey Blake, Brenda Butler and Breann Nagle, all of Monmouth; Avery Hamlin, Oliver Hamlin, Emily Hamlin, Alice Mercik and Mackenzie Blackwell, all of Wales; Makenzie Allen, Lucy MacLeod, Iana Helczyk-Postole, Kai Helczyk-Postole, Ender Gaspary, Dorothy Gaspary and Luke Gaspary, all of Auburn; Mark Sylvester and Ronan Sawyer of Winthrop; Sophia Partridge of Rome; and Arya Iannotti of Leeds.

“The Pale Pink Dragon” is set to play Friday through Sunday, Feb. 23-25, at Cumston Hall, 796 Main St. in Monmouth. Performances will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 23, with 2 p.m. matinee shows Feb. 24-25. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.


“The Pale Pink Dragon” is produced by arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.

MCP Marquis Sponsor is Great Falls Federal Credit Union. MCPKids! sponsors are Community Credit Union, Mills Family Monmouth Lights and Indie Stage Music. Media Sponsor is Turner Publishing.

For more information or to purchase tickets, email the theater at, call 207-370-9566, or visit


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