100 Years Ago: 1924

The Women and Men of the Farm Bureau will hold a joint meeting Thursday, Feb. 14. The subjects for the men are to be labor saving methods in dairy, poultry and potato farming; the subject for the women will be basketry. A picnic lunch will be served.

50 Years Ago: 1974

The Androscoggin Women’s Club has completed plans for its annual Lincoln Day Dinner, which is being held Friday evening, Feb 15 at Happy Jack’s Restaurant.

A social hour, dutch treat at 6:30 will precede the 7:30 buffet dinner, following which U.S. Rep William S. Cohen will deliver an address.

Providing music for the occasion will be Mrs. Bonnie Doe Munson, vocalist, a newcomer to this community, and Mrs. Kenneth Orr, pianist, well known for her talent as a soloist and accompanist.


Mrs. Munson, formerly of Kennebunk, has done some solo work throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York. After graduation from Colby Junior College, New London, N.H., where she won a two-year Nichols Music Scholarship. Mrs. Munson attended Boston University’s School of Fine Arts and Applied Arts, majoring in voice.

25 Years Ago: 1999

Lana Willard thought members of The Four were just looking for directions when they appeared outside her office window.

” What is this?” the bookkeeper sasked, watching the smiling men in matching bow ties.

“We’re here for you,” replied Ted Tracy, the tall one at the end.

And she began to cry.


Tracy pulled a kazoo-like pitch pipe from his coat pocket, gave it a toot, and with the other three began singing “Heart of my Heart.”

About 10 minutes later, the men were gone, marching out in a line to deliver another ambush valentine.

“We’d go to a place and sing all night long,” said bass Carl Foster, but this holiday is the most fun, he said.

“And it’s almost always a surprise,” he added.

The men are members of the Hillsmen’s Barbershop Chorus. Like barbershop choruses around the country, the chorus spent Friday surprising people with songs and delivering messages of affection. And the surprises were to continue Saturday.

For a $25 donation, they’ll go anyplace in the general area. They sing “Heart of my Heart ” and “Let Me Call you Sweetheart,” deliver a personalized card and a long=stemmed rose and snap a Polaroid.

Donations pay the group’s expenses and help the Kansas Institute of Logopedics, which helps children with speech problems.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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