Lillian Lake

This week, I have been deep in thought regarding worldwide flooding. Here in New England, we have had massive, destructive flooding. It was minor compared to the flooding this week in New Orleans and Dubai. Yet, I feel water’s ultimate goal is reclamation, and the cleansing it is causing is proportionate to what needs to be cleansed.

I think of New Orleans as exciting but a place built on lies that are not sustainable – systems of the powerful who create controlling fears and leave out those who have less. Systems such as human trafficking are kept hidden by the distraction of massive, towering, shiny buildings and other signs of opulence. A city such as Dubai, built in a desert, creates an illusion of wealth and success, hiding the fact that it’s a desert.

In New Orleans, we find casinos and lavishness rebuilt after Hurricane Katrina, replicating what was there before the storm, ignoring the opportunity to rebuild with equity and concern for those who have less.

Flooding is more than an inconvenience and purveyor of destruction; it is for reclamation and messenger. “Behold, I make all things new.”

Over humanity’s lifetime, we have built structures and systems based on lies. We give them power by allowing them to exist, which can only exist with our permission. We have been led to believe what our eyes see and forget what our hearts know. We assume we know all there is to know. How can we? We are not our brother or sister, and the universe is vast.

Through my work on human trafficking in Dubai, I learned that tea houses often hide this evil crime. Opulence has caused blindness to understand others with less. A wealthy friend with many servants in Dubai shared that he hadn’t ever considered that anyone could be so poor that they had no dreams until he asked a young boy on the street about his dreams. The boy responded he couldn’t afford dreams when every day his existence was determined by finding enough food for his family.

Science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. They suggest the idea of higher consciousness and use water as an ideal example of the existence of a higher consciousness. It is thus probable that worldwide flooding is a conscious act of reclamation. This cleansing will ultimately heal if we choose to live differently, mindful of each of us being interconnected, of the same Creator, and, therefore, all equal.

Dubai was built on a desert with no forethought that it was creating an illusion, and New Orleans, a city built on the sustainable foundation of gambling and black magic, has both experienced massive flooding, reclaiming truth.

Please don’t misunderstand; I am not against material well-being; we are meant to enjoy the fruits of our labor. However, these instances of flooding and reclamation serve as messages that we need to do differently, or we will be forced. We must rebuild with truth, living at a higher vibration and without supporting systems based on lies.

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